Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let Love lead the way

I had a chat with my colleague yesterday and she inspired me to blog on this topic. Well, the story goes like this -

She has a Chinese mom and dad and thus makes her a chinese. And apparently, her boyfriend is an indian man. When her parents found out about this, they were aghasted and were so mad at her and told her to end this relationship immediately and at the same time beating her up. When she relate the story to me, she was crying and i can sense the tinge of sadness there..

Awwww... I know of some people who prefer to date/marry someone of the same race. I can think of some valid reasons why someone might prefer a same-race partner. Maybe they worried that their family or community will disapprove, and that will put a strain on the relationship. Not everyone can handle the conspicuousness that goes with marrying someone of a different race. And if it's a person of color dating a white person, there is also the issue of white privilege. Can a white partner really understand or empathize with the daily struggles that a person of color faces in our society? At the same time, I think if you refuse to even consider a partner of a different race, you may unknowingly be missing out on someone wonderful.

What the facts show is that there are differences among us, but they stem from culture, not race.
I guess at the end of the day, I’d like to think that being born an ethnic minority (4 different types of bloods) in this country doesn’t necessarily limit the pool of people I can fall in love with.
