Monday, November 30, 2009


I don’t know if I love you… Nor do I know what love is…

But… if love means dreaming of the person every night and doing the same thing when you’re awake, then I guess, this is love. If love means looking every where and every li’l thing seems to remind you of the person, then maybe, this is love. If love means dying to be with someone for every single second of your life, then, this could be love. If love means having to accept the person for who he is and who he’s not, then I believe, I’m in love. If love means being happy just to hear his voice or being complete when you know he calls, then, I’m in love. If love means losing my pride just to tell him what I feel, then, this could really be love.

And if love means hating the person for everything about him, yet deep inside you’re still longing to touch him, hear something about him, see him, or have a glimpse of his picture, talk to him, care for him, hug him, and kiss him, then . . . . dats true love


沈 一 傑 said...

is this your love confession? ;)

very sweet

Gazy said...

It's just so true.. those silly and stupid actions/thoughts had answer all. That is complicated ;-(

Anonymous said...

The Power of love is something that is not explained easily, yet we all know when we are truely and deeply in love. Follow your heart :)