Saturday, July 18, 2009

Casual sex

A friend of mine asked me the other day:
"Does having casual sex, without being a relationship with someone mean that you don't respect yourself?"

Well, i would say that it's a stereotype. Women are sluts and men are players. I can't really answer her because it's really one of those double standards set by society. I personally think that you should at least stick to one person. There are diseases out there...but hey that's your call not mine.

Causal sex can denote a self esteem problem, however, that is not always the case. Again, it's one of those things that has to be addressed on an individual basis. Some girls with low self esteem give it up for free b/c it makes them feel needed/wanted/attractive. As long as you understand your motive for doing this, then you should be fine. It's those people who convince themselves that they are doing this for another purpose that have serious problems.

As for why men think women lack self respect if they have sex without commitment, its b/c men are use to playing the 'game'. Most men say they want sex...but most will never marry a girl who gives it up easily. When most men think of a wife, they think of a wholesome individual to mother their children, someone respectable - not someone who's been around the block. These men will not respect you, hence they assume that you don't respect yourself. I'm not sure how else to explain it.

Overall, I think that its disgusting, giving your body to someone who is just using it for their selfish pleasure and who doesn't give two sh*ts about you. I don't look down on them, I'm just disappointed by them because I know that they're not truly happy with themselves.



The Pondering Introvert said...

It's up to the individual I guess. But for me, it's all about self pride and dignity. It's more valuable than anything else in this world :)

Alvin Iwan said...

hahaa.. for a moment, i tot who is vampy.. hahaha!
yeah... i don wanna sound as if i am s saint but i don know how do these ppl feel having casual sex with randoms..

The Pondering Introvert said...

Hahah it's me no worries =p
Well as long as they know what are they doing, what will this bring to, and as long as they are happy, then I have absolutely no problem hehe. If they do this because they wanna feel wanted and needed, I will say this is silly because there are so many other ways to do so. :)

Stephen JIANG said...

Honey, ur analyse is just what I felt and what I got from past experience...It makes me feel I was so stupid in the past. Anyway, I am on the right track now...thx for writing it which reminded and enhanced my determination......kisssssssssss and hugsssssssssss