Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Over the years and months I've realized, as I've seen the relationships of close friends fail time and again, that good, solid, long term relationships are not based on sex; in fact, it's those relationships that are heavily based on sex that usually don't wind up making it for very long. That's because that while sex is an important part of a relationship, in the end it's how you navigate the bad times that really define how strong your relationship is.

Too many people are willing to bail when bad times happen because it's easy to fix with a legal procedure and piece of paper, and sex is readily available elsewhere. In fact, over time if your relationship is based heavily on sex, the boredom factor alone tends to lead people to cheat or split up, because they have no other solid foundation.

In my opinion, sex is an important part of a relationship but if it is or becomes the most important aspect then there is no ''real'' relationship. It can be the ultimate expression of love between two people, a way to communicate feelings that are difficult to express in words. Sex helps build closeness and intimacy, relieves stress, gives comfort. Sex differentiates a romantic relationship from a platonic relationship.

Love and sex are not the same thing; this is something some people never learn. Sex without love is just physical. Love without sex can be pure, spiritual and true. But sex with someone you love unequivocally, can be gentle and tender, hot and wild, comfortable or simply sublime.

And don't ever forget that the most important sexual organ is the brain. So, the next time, you don't get enough sex from your partner, heed my advice. Sex is not everything in a relationship. Nup, i am not complaining if i don't get enough sex from my partner. :)