Thursday, September 4, 2008

Feeling so fucked up...

What’s wrong with being nice? What’s wrong with being loving? What’s wrong with being true to yourself?

“But you’re being too nicey, nicey. You’re not perfect, you’re only human!”

I beg to differ. Actually, it is our nature to be good and loving and nice. Everyone at some point has experienced loving another without wanting anything in return. Everyone has been nice just because it felt good to be nice. But if you persecute someone because he or she is too nice….well you are not appreciating what you are.

There’s nothing wrong with being nice. There’s nothing wrong with being good. There’s nothing wrong with being loving. There’s nothing wrong with being yourself, who is good and loving and nice.

I remembered Fred told me being too nice is not good.. Why is there lots of contradictions here?!!

Being nice is just me.. Just the FARKING ME.. MY OWN TRUE SELF..


The Pondering Introvert said...

Perhaps what they meant was being too nice eventually will be taken advantage of?

Alvin Iwan said...

no michy,
sometimes they find me heng fan...

but i meant well... i just dun geddit...

Unknown said...

being nice is not ur fault..
it is U...

Alvin Iwan said...

to kenny...
yup... its just me.. solely me

Anonymous said...

The thing is, some people are so paranoid nowadays they just can't accept there's someone out there who's still genuinely nice. Others simply feel disgusted by it because they are not so nice. LOL

It's good to be nice. Be nice, stay nice! :D

Alvin Iwan said...

to cc,
sad thing is that most ppl have the mentality that if u r nice to me, u must have some kind of ulterior motive and that sucks..
