Thursday, January 21, 2010

End of the world?

I watched the show 2012 on DVD again. For those uninitiated, that is a another Armageddon themed show, just that it really out-do its predecessors with lots and lots of very good cinematography and stunning scenes of massive destructions. There were also scenes of good byes, teary regrets etc; those scenes always tug my heart when I saw it. How does anyone ever, ever know how to break the news to your loved ones that you are not gonna see them anymore? Its quite possibly the most cruel thing that anyone can do to their loved ones.

Then, I began to ask myself, what will I do if I know that today is my last day on earth?

Quite possibly, the first thing that will come to my mind will be how much regrets will I have and followed by how deep are these regrets. Because I strongly believe that every single human have regrets at some point in their life, one way or another. One who has no regrets in his life is either too egoistic to admit or have not really live his life at all. I for one tend to believe that its usually the former.

If you have not catch this show, rent, buy, borrow, steal or whatever. U have to watch this at least once! Ok, I am dozing off
here now, so gonna and go lie on my bed. Perhaps you should too.