Monday, September 29, 2008


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fuck u all!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, to all those who are wondering if i m dead or alive, i m still ALIVE. Unfortunately, lots of bad and unhappy moments hey.. Bloody hell!

And I used to think that people were biased towards others because of race or gender. However, lately I have been getting negative views about my age. Yes, I am 25 soon. So what?!!!!!!!

It all started when my people told me, “why don’t you act more like XXX or YYY? He is more behaved and doesn’t talk back.”

Explain to me the need to be within a certain age group or mentality. Since I am goin to be 25, I have to act 25? Explain to me what 25 means to you and the things I am supposed to say? Does my maturity level have to be parallel with my age to be respected according to your theory? How do 25 years old act like? You can’t answer that because everyone is different.

There are 25 years old who are married with 3 or more kids and live in big houses.
There are 25 years old who are single and at the top of their career.
There are 25 years old who are widowed.
There are 25 years old who are divorced.
There are 25 years old who are single and are in debt beyond belief.
There are 25 years old who are single and barely can sustain a job.
There are 25 years old who are single and still trying to start a career and find a job.
There are 25 years old who are married but can barely pay rent and put food on the table.

And the fucking list goes on....

One thing I despise and I can’t stand and the reason I am a bit preposterous to everything in this world is because of this comparison. I despise it. I despise it. I despise it. I fucking despise being compared to other people. All my life I have been compared to other people and I am sick of it. Why aren’t you like this? Why aren’t you like that?

Age is just a number. It’s just a reminder for us and that’s it.
This is me.. JUST FUCKING ME!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Don try to be a diva..

Have people ever heard of ethics? Have people ever heard of politeness?
The internet world has made it easy for stupid unethical people to voice their opinions. Like seriously, I have to deal with the idiots. Damn you idiots.

Let me stamp this in that tiny brain of yours.
1. You cannot comment on my site. It will not be shown to the entire world because I have to approve it first. And I will not approve you insulting me. You are automatically spam.

2. The more you try to do it, the more my spam filter will like you. If my stupid filter is acting stupid just like you, then I will just ban your IP. If you have a dynamic IP in a certain range, then I will ban the entire range and I don’t care who else is on it.

3. The more you insult me or try to contact me, I will simply email you back, (that’s if you were courteous enough to actually provide me with a real email), and I will give you my view point about your comment. It won’t be pretty. I am pretty mean and I don’t think twice when I say you are a puny brained dumb ass that lives in a dumpster and eats garbage.

God! It has been such a long day and this post took me too long to write. I want the 7 minutes of my life back!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are you?

I was listening to the song "Gold Digger" on youtube. The song was nice. It was a great tune. I felt like dancing while standing despite me havin a fever.. Hahaha! Oh ya, So I sat down thinking about it. Why are girls stereotyped as gold diggers? Aren’t guys sometimes too?. I know that girls are much better at it. They are pros at using guys for money, but for me I can never ever in a million years want a woman for her money. I am way past that point. I was never at that point.

I like working for myself. Actually, anyone giving me a gift would make my day! If I want something, I don’t wait for someone to get it for me, I get it myself! I make my own decisions and I don’t rely on anyone! I never did and I never will!

I have talked to some guys who do complain about the fact that a girl may have agreed to get engaged to them because of the job and money they have. That’s it, and once a better (richer) guy comes along, they leave the poor guy hanging like he was a worn out pair of shoes! I seen it a lot!

It’s sad. This happens a lot in all societies. Girls are not innocent. I am not trying to bash girls, but I am stating the obvious. 50% of women only go after guys for their money! That’s it. And the girls who work for them selves and make a life for themselves are the ones who really don’t care too much about guys and are usually unsuccessful in keeping a relationship because they focus more on their career and life than worrying about a guy.

I just wish there was a good middle ground. No gold digging, and no full independence. I wish I can just merge the two together.

P.S: I will never be a gold digger. I am rich…. with self confidence.. muwahahahaaaa!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

U're such a WIMP!

Anyone who has ever been in a loving relationship can tell that it is not always birds singing and sunshine. There are occasionally those stormy days. Being in a loving relationship means that both people love one another as they love their self. It takes both of those people to make that relationship work, just one person is not strong enough to do it all.

To make the other person feel love we need to appreciate them just as you feel loved when you are appreciated. Each of us feels appreciated differently. We feel love from a compliment, a kind act, a gift, physical affection, or by spending time with the other.

And if the other party don seem to give a damn abt the relationship, time to give them the flick..
Oh mein gott!! Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow. If you lose love, that doesn't mean that you failed in love. Cry, if you have to, but make it sure that the tears wash away the hurt and the bitterness that the past has left with you.


I am the type of person who will blurt out my opinion when asked and I never think twice about a situation that involves friendship. When people ask me how many friends I got, I use my right hand and count them. I don’t care and I don’t need to lie or make up numbers or deny being friends with someone so others won’t know who.

Some people I know really have this issue with friendship. Who are their friends? Why do they have to lie about who they are friends with? Why are they hiding it and then make up stories of how much they fight or piss off this person, and yet, they are buddy buddy and hang out together all the time. Why is friendship becoming a secrecy? It was usually the boyfriend/girlfriend scenario that people tried to deny all the time for so many reasons that was “understood.”

I just don’t get it. You are friends with this person, don’t lie to me about it and say you are not or you are fighting or whatever thinking I will get hurt by your “friendship” with them. I honestly don’t care. Lying about it makes me wonder if you lie to others about me being a friend to you as well or you even consider me as one.

I wish people learn this crazy wild idea that they tend to ignore all the time; HONESTY!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Nursing a broken heart

"One sided love" - Every time I hear or read that phrase I quiver in my seat and think of what I did to my life. You can ask so many people if they were ever in a one-sided love relationship, and they would say yes. Others may argue that there is no such thing as one-sided love. Love has to be mutual. Fuck! I disagree with that.

Love is not mutual. Not all the time. Sometimes people pretend to love you for various unknown selfish reasons, and you think it is mutual love. Sometimes people pretend to love you because they just need the company and to show off. Once you see any sign of this happening in a relationship, the other person is being used and abused emotionally. Then you automatically know that the relationship will end soon and become a long lasting what if.

What if? *singgers*

I think I am having a bad day. I think it has to do with my newly single status. Heh! Been listening to Rihanna's "CRY". This is my fav song from rihanna. The reason why is because i look at msuic as away to express my feelings and emotions.. and this song did that. everyone has gone through this.. and it hurts but it gets better. And Leona Lewis told us that it will get "BETTER IN TIME"..

Arrgh... I need a hug...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another rambling

I see life from a different aspect now, I loved and wasn’t loved, I didn’t love and was loved… I realized it is not easy to keep in touch with people when the commons that connects us has broken. Take my friends at schjool. Most of them are friends simply because we are classmates or we were forced to be in one study group. We mostly do not have anything in common besides the major we study.

It is kind of sad because I got to know them over few years and as a class, we were such amazing people… I had the best times mocking teachers, mocking at other students and stuffs.. Thinking about that and losing them, is just sad.

You later realize that they (friends,) became your family. Because you were far from yours and you got used to seeing your friends daily, over coffee, exams, a movie, gathering or even partying out like there’s no tomorrow. Everyone of us has a different character, from the weirdo to the metro to the dancer… all different! until we start sharing something in common.

Overall, Friendships are fragile. One disagreement can be like a pair of scissors can cut them. And the sad part is that everyone knows that but decide to let the scissors cut anyway..

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Where is the love

Recently, I was at a toilet in a shopping centre when I noticed an elderly woman with a bent and crooked back trying to clean the floor. I find this scene to be a sad reflection of society here, one that is played out daily in numerous shopping centres.

Although cleaning toilets is easy to learn, it is far from pleasant, given the bad toilet habits of Singaporeans. Besides this, it is a job that may be hazardous for the elderly, who are more likely to suffer serious fractures should they slip on the wet toilet floor rite?

It is shameful when we see our govt throwing money all over the world, when elderly citizens have to suffer the indignity of struggling for a living washing toilets. This is more than just sad, it is downright SHAMEFUL.

I just feel fucking sad whenver i see all these old folks slogging so hard washing the toliets, distributing flyers and stuffs..

Whatever happened to the values of humanity? Whatever happened to the fairness and equality?


Friday, September 5, 2008

i m a bastard

Sometimes i feel that i m a jinx. Because of me, people got sick got scolded...
Its because i m too demanding, meeting every night with people who cant really stay up late..

And because of this, people got sick.. I'm so insensitive... Sometimes, i just wanna make that someone happy.. To be there whenever u need a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear.. I wanna make people ard me to be happy cos seeing their happy faces is enuff for me..

Thats all.. Is it too much of me to ask for? Do u all find me heng fan??

Ok ok.. i know..


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Feeling so fucked up...

What’s wrong with being nice? What’s wrong with being loving? What’s wrong with being true to yourself?

“But you’re being too nicey, nicey. You’re not perfect, you’re only human!”

I beg to differ. Actually, it is our nature to be good and loving and nice. Everyone at some point has experienced loving another without wanting anything in return. Everyone has been nice just because it felt good to be nice. But if you persecute someone because he or she is too nice….well you are not appreciating what you are.

There’s nothing wrong with being nice. There’s nothing wrong with being good. There’s nothing wrong with being loving. There’s nothing wrong with being yourself, who is good and loving and nice.

I remembered Fred told me being too nice is not good.. Why is there lots of contradictions here?!!

Being nice is just me.. Just the FARKING ME.. MY OWN TRUE SELF..

No offence to anybody (pun intended)

Let's face it, whenever there is a breakup, it's sually never mutual. The one who initiated the breakup moves on faster than the one who didn't. So, after a relationship ends, it's either you go on separate way or choose to have the "Let's Stay Friends" compromise. But hor can lovers really turn into good friends after that?

If u ask me, I am for remaining friends from a respectable distance that is. When most couples break up, it is not usually because both agree that they are not right for one another. It usually is one person chooses not to be with the other, for what ever reason. If that reason for splitting is an honest decision based on an irrepairable or adjustable behavior, the other party may feel that they were not worth changing the behavior that was disturbing, Therefore, a bit of resentment might always be in the picture.

If the breakup was due to mistrust, well then why would someone want to remain friends with a person they don't trust.' Remaining Friends' can mean different things to different people. Only you can determine how you define a friendship with an ex..

No one wants to lose someone that they truly love or care about. I guess the question really should be...Can a person honestly be open to a healthy life or new relationship, if they make the decision to remain friends with someone they once had intimacy with.

Broken trust will never allow a real friendship after a relationship is over. My answer, probably NOT.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Bad Day!!!

Received a reply from the potential employer.
"We regret to inform you that your application was not succesful. However we wish you all the best in your futur endeavours."

Like what the fuck? I'm kinda surprised. Here's another rude wake-up call. Am I not good enough? Am i not qualified enough? I'm so sick and tired of rejections. Made me start to think of my shortcomings. Maybe I was too cocky? Too confident? Complacent? Just simply not good enough as I think I was?

But then again this job was a few notches below what I thought I was made of. Somewhat a downgrade. But I wasn't successful still. Like what the.. Even stooping to a lower level was not appropriate for me. I'm really confused. If only I was given the chance, the opportunity to shine. Sigh. Then again, life goes on.

They say u gotta learn to survive a defeat and thats when one develop a chracther.. Alas.. It wasn't to be. DAMMIT!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A new start, a new Beginning

So at long last I decided to create a new blog. Hahaha! Nothing better to do? Possibly. Lolz!!
So now I understand what blogs are all about. Blogs are actually windows for nosy people to peep into. Blogs are 'interesting' episodes of one's life for busybodies to keep track of.
Damn this feels ala The Truman Show.

My advise to nosey readers, do not stop reading. Cos if you do it's a bit stupid for bloggers to blog as they actually desire people to read their opinions and thoughts. But do read with an open mind. You might stumble upon your name mentioned by chance. Bask in the glory of publicity. Remember bad or good publicity is still publicity. At least you're worth mentioning. So do not open the pandora's box if you can't handle the truth. Whatever it is.

I better stop now cos this constant typing numbs my fingers actually.